
Curriculum Intent

Here at Waterman Primary and Nursery School, in line with the National Curriculum, we have adopted a mastery approach for teaching mathematics. Our intent is for all pupils:

  • To become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics; develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
  • To be confident and competent in using and applying basic skills of counting and written and mental calculation.
  • To reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry; conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language.
  • To develop awareness of the uses of mathematics in the classroom and everyday life, enabling children to apply their mathematical skills and knowledge to real life situations.
  • To develop a positive attitude towards mathematics.
  • To understand and appreciate patterns and relationships in mathematics.
  • To be able to communicate clearly and fluently about mathematics, using the appropriate mathematical language and vocabulary.


In KS2 we use the Effective Maths scheme of work for our mathematics lessons. Effective Maths is a comprehensive programme which enables children to communicate clearly and fluently about Maths. It develops the children’s mastery of mathematics as the whole class are taught together, with high-quality, engaging and visual learning. KS1 are taught using Effective Maths from September 2021 to allow for smooth transition and progression of knowledge and skills as children move through the school.

The lessons:

  • Improve pupils procedural and conceptual understanding.
  • Provide pupils with opportunities to reason mathematically.
  • Enable pupils to identify mathematical patterns, relationships and make connections between different areas of mathematics.
  • Use of the CPA approach (concrete, pictoral, abstract) to reinforce and support understanding of key concepts and ideas in mathematics. Carefully designed variation (varied representations, patterns, relationships and connections) which underpin learning and deepen understanding.

Times Tables Rockstars: All children within the school have a Times Tables Rockstars account which provides children with an opportunity to practise their multiplication and division facts at home and in school. We believe that these facts are a fundamental skill that all children should be fluent in. 

Consolidation Program: There are a few key children who have barriers in Maths learning due to poor basic skills and for these children it may be appropriate to be involved in a consolidation program. These children develop their understanding in 4 strategies (relationships, compensation, partitioning and making the next/ previous ten), times table facts and solving number problems.

Children are tested on their retention of core knowledge and skills through end of unit quizzes. These are recorded in books and scores on quizzes recorded in the books.

Please visit HEARTS Academy Trust Curriculum for our Maths curriculum.

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